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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Swimming For All - by Brea Files

Hi Everyone!! Have you or have you wanted to put your children in swim lessons but don't want the hassle of a community pool or a big group swim lesson? Well your in LUCK!

I teach swim lessons in your home, in your pool and give one on one attention to you or or your child. My students ages range from six months to adults of any age.

I have always had a love for swimming and just being in the water. I have been very fortunate for the opportunities to teach and help people learn to swim for the last four years. I love being able to teach the proper technique of swimming and seeing the joy of my students faces when acquiring a new skill

It's not only the techniques I love to teach children or adults, but it's teaching them how to be safe and smart in the water. I want be people to enjoy and love the water just as much as I do. With proper instruction everyone will be able to enjoy the summer time in the water. Just remember that being safe in and around the water is the best thing. 

Interested in Guiding Fitness’ Personal Private Swim Lessons? 
Contact us today! 
(916) 626 - 7739

1 comment:

  1. I need to find a place that will teach my children how to swim. I want them all to be good at swimming before summer comes so that we can go swimming a lot and I will be confident that they won't struggle in the water. I will have to look more into lessons and things like that, but I can't wait to get it taken care of. http://www.jerseywahoos.org/lesson_program.htm
