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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Welcome to the new and improved Guiding Fitness!!!

Hi everyone!  Hopefully by know you have heard that we are making some huge improvements to the studio.  By November 1st we will launch our new website with an updated class schedule and updated pricing.  As blog followers, I wanted to give you and idea of what to look forward to...

Facility Updates: We are going to work all weekend to complete the construction on the studio.  It is going to be very beautiful and welcoming.  We are going to spend the next couple of months adding new equipment and making small improvements here and there.  We are open to any requests you may have.

Pricing Updates: We have made some changes to our class pricing, added some options for discounts and added some all inclusive packages.  Classes, Guide Me Program and Personal Training now a la carte. 
Classes - $30 for unlimited (accountability 3 month commitment on autopay) or $35 for unlimited month to month.  Please check the website this weekend for an updated class schedule.
Guide Me Program - $50 for unlimited (accountability 3 month commitment on autopay) or $70 month to month.  This is previously known as Circuit PT.  You meet with a trainer each month for measurements, weigh-in, a fitness test and we give you a personalized workout that you can do at home or at the studio during designated hours. 
Small Group Personal Training - $15 per half hour.  Groups of 2-8.  You can create your own group or we will put you into an existing group. Great to jumpstart your weight loss and/or get past a plateau. 
One On One Personal Training - $22 per half hour. Personalized workouts, nutrition counseling and much more.

The Caboodles - personal training, nutritional counseling, healthy recipes and cooking tips, lifestyle coaching, a trip to the grocery store, a family meeting, cupboard cleaning and more. 
The Half Caboodle - $390 a month for 3 half hour sessions per week of personal training.
The Whole Caboodle - $690 a month for 3 hour sessions per week of personal training. 

Online Class Updates: Our new online class website is going to be great!  We post 2 or more new videos each week for only $5 a month.  There are weekly challenges, fitness tips, live discussions, all different kinds of workouts and more!  The website is www.ActiveFlicks.com and should be live by November 1st. Any of you that have provided us with an email address should get an email within the next couple of days for a free month to try it out.  If you do not receive an email, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to add you.

Class Updates: As mentioned earlier, the classes will be only $30/$35 a month for unlimited.  We are only allowing 50 people to sign up for classes and then there will be a waiting list.  If you would like to assure your spot in the classes, please make sure to renew on time.  This will help keep our classes small and personal.  WE WILL STILL PROVIDE FREE KID SIT, but may have to request that in the future that you sign up ahead of time.  We will let you know if this is needed.

As always, you are welcome to contact us if you have any questions.  Please let me know if you would like to change your pricing to the $30 on autopay.  


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Weekly Challenge

   Tonight you have a choice for a healthy dinner for your family.  Which of these is the best restaurant idea, Japanese, vegetarian, steakhouse, or seafood?  The answer is none of the above.  Research shows that for the healthiest meal, eat at home.  One reason is that there are often menu choices that you don't usually make at home, such as fried foods, highly salted foods, or high caloric foods with little nutritional value that taste good that are tempting.  Another reason is that since families are the most comfortable and happy at home, the meal planner tends to make healthier choices there.  The reason behind this is that there is comfort and happiness associated with home cooking.  That happiness triggers healthier eating.
     Make dinner time for your family social time.  Take at least 40 minutes to eat, which will help keep you from over-eating.  When you introduce different foods that maybe your family hasn't tried before, talk about where they come from and nutritional value, or compare it to something similar you know they like.  Try pairing a new food or one they don't like with something you know they like, such as celery and peanut butter, broccoli and cheese, or peas mixed into mashed potatoes.  Reward your children for tasting a new food.  Don't get in the habit of making another meal for a child who won't eat the one you prepared.  Chances are, the second meal will be much less healthy.  As a general rule, the more work that goes into preparing a meal, the more healthy and less processed it is.  That means, if you use fresh ingredients to make something of your own instead of popping something into the microwave, or getting it out of a box, it will be better for your family.  Get your kids involved in preparation.  They will be more likely to eat something they helped create.  Since we eat a lot with our eyes, try to include as much color as possible and make dishes as good to look at as they are to eat.  It is important to teach your children from a young age as much as they can understand, about the importance of eating right.  They will usually naturally eat foods all their lives which were given to them early in life.  It is very difficult (but not impossible) to change poor eating habits as they get older.  This is one of the best things you can do for your children to help them live long, and with fewer medical complications that is a result of a poor diet. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Help To Quit Smoking


You are working out, eating better and trying to improve your health to live longer. now it is time to quit smoking. 
      When smoking or ingesting a nicotine products, it changes levels of chemicals in your brain.  We have a chemical called dopamine that can dull pain and make you feel good.  The nicotine triggers the release of unnatural amounts of dopamine, thus creating a momentary good feeling.  However, it doesn't last long and in a short time, you body craves more.  For someone with a smoking habit, just going a few hours without, will bring your blood pressure and pulse to normal.  Your body will also protest with withdrawal symptoms, like a jittery irritability, then more nasty annoyance, dizziness and fatigue.
     People who try to quit cold turkey, have only a 2 percent chance.  Using nicotine replacement therapy increases your chances to 60 percent.  A common obstacle in quitting is weight gain.  It is very important that you keep doing a regular exercise routine and snack on healthy foods.  Actually, walking can take away cravings!
     Here are some more helpful steps to improve your chances of quitting.  Don't make the decision that day and expect to be successful.  You need at least one month to prepare yourself.  Then, set a quit date.  Get support from anyone and everyone around you.  If you are a friend or relative of the person trying to quit, be patient with symptoms of withdrawal, like crankiness and short temper.  You can have even more chance of success if you quit with someone, so you have a partner to talk to that is dealing with the same issues.  Have hard candy on hand, cut up fresh vegies or even straws to chew on when an urge comes on.  Try not to be in the company of smokers or put yourself in places you might loose control and smoke. 
     Good luck!  Your life depends on it!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Free Nutrition Class Starts Today- Think Fit: All About Food

We are meeting today (monday) to start the 4 week nutrition class. Grab your friends, spouse, co-workers and family and join us!
Class times:
Monday at 10am or 7pm

We are not offering this class again until spring so you don't want to miss out.

We hope to see you there!

Challenge of the week: Come to the class =-)