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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sweat Shower

Sweat shower- why sweating is good for the body+ health

April and its wonderful rain Showers are the last bit of cool weather (normally) we see here in California. The 90+ degree days start to force our workouts to the early morning and late evening hours, at least if we plan on enjoying the sunshine. ( Vit. D natural antidepressant some might say). When the human body warms up we begin to sweat. External temperatures can be the cause or an internal temperature change due to Exercise or immune response to bacteria and the alike.  If I happen to leave another reasons out just understand the end product is the same SWEAT! 
Detox the misconception: Sweat buy itself does not by any means detoxify the body purely by itself. It does little in the way of detoxing the body at all. Going to the local sweat lodge is not going to make you liver more health because you had a good sweat for 20 minutes. (This can help reduce post workout soreness though).  However Sweating does help to cleanse the skin of harmful bacteria. Example: Staphylococcus and E. coli that make their way on to our skin can be destroyed buy an Antibiotic produced by sweating called Dermcidin…free medicine.  
Sweat may also help you save a few bucks at the beauty boutique as well. You see sweat typically contains minerals excreted from the body. One in particular is sodium a.k.a SALT. So say good bye to the high priced Salt scrub Exfoliating products you can just sweat your pores clean!! Sweating out the salt could be a vital part of staying free of kidney stones. The salt (and calcium, absorbed by bone due to resistance training) will less likely build up in the kidneys and form stones that you may not enjoy encountering.
Exercise that causes you to work hard enough to sweat will release natural antidepressants like endorphins leaving you feeling refreshed and happy…DESTRESS!!!  Sweating is the bodies’ way of purging water. Retaining water? Sweat it out, then rehydrate. Everybody loves a fresh start and so do our cells. So drink up!! 
Body temp control is the primary reason for sweating. The evaporation of sweat from the skin helps to cool the body and maintain a relatively normal body temperature. Body temperature can play a major part in fat loss and that’s one reason why swimming can be your plateau buster. (More on that from me next month..so keep your  eyes open and looking for me. Wink!)
Grand hygiene: Time to hit the showers folks!!! All this sweating will leave you sticky and smelly if you don’t regularly bath. Worse off than that you could experience rashes that could be extremely unbearable as well as Malaria and you don’t want to mess around with that nasty troll. Then of course you must remember to keep you gym clothes/bag clean and sneakers dry or you might end up with a nasty case of athletes’ foot. Your shower is another great time to take advantage of a recovery method called contrast showering. This involves cycling warm and the coldest water to can bear to stand for periods of 2-4 minutes. This will help with soreness and faster recovery time post workout.  So remember next time you walk out of your next class or training session with me a prescribed recovery show is part of the program.
"Spring makes everything look filthy."      ……So wash it!!!!
-  Katherine Whitehorn
Ryan Canon

We Learn, We Grow, We Conquer! 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Water… a Nutrient

Water… a Nutrient
We all know drinking plenty of water is necessary for good health! There are multiple reasons as to why this is true. For individuals who participate in exercise regularly, here is a GREAT reason for you to keep that water bottle filled and nearby.
Obviously a person who exercises and doesn’t drink enough water could become dehydrated. It is also true that a dehydrated individual will experience a decrease in muscle performance. Muscles depend on water to do their job and muscles lacking the fluid they need actually shrivel. The dehydration of muscle is one contribution as to why muscles may fatigue quickly during physical activity. Active people need to view water as a nutrient that they MUST have!

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that people drink about 17 ounces of fluid about two hours before exercise. During exercise, they recommend that people start drinking fluids early, and drink them at regular intervals to replace fluids lost by sweating. (see WebMD)

For you active ones - remember to take care of those muscles by giving them this one SUPER necessary nutrient…WATER!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Clear Your Mind of Negativity

“Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to success” stated Charles F. Glassman inBrain Drain The Breakthrough That Will Change Your Life. Our human nature is to focus on the negatives in our life. Our minds so quickly become flooded with unhealthy thoughts, they consume us and ultimately pull us deeper down into this spiral. 

Negative thoughts are crippling and for some reason it is way easier to be ran by those thoughts rather than making an effort to see the good and to be positive. In order to clean out our mind of the bad we must be aware of where negativity comes from. Believe it or not negative thoughts come from our beliefs about ourselves; self-esteem, self-worth, people, life, etc. The more we think those beliefs and ideas about ourselves the more it is reaffirmed in our mind whether it is true or not and the more we think poorly. Negative thoughts affects lives, it causes depression, disease, physical issues such as weight problems, and it disables us from reaching goals.

In order to be successful and ultimately healthy, we must get rid of the weeds in our mind. Evaluate how you are looking at things. If you are thinking negatively about one thing in particular, capture that thought and change it to make it sound positive. An example “I’m never going to get out of this plateau I've hit.” Change that negative outlook into “I see this as a challenge to work harder in new ways to pull myself out.” 

By changing a negative statement or question into something more positive we are more apt to take positive action. Positive thinking has such a big part in our health, when were positive our goal-reaching is more effective. Clearing our minds of negativity and filling it with positivity is just a matter of making a conscious effort. Do not fight the negativity, simply replace it with the good thinking. Do not give light to what does not serve you. Once you free yourselves of the bondage it puts you in than you will be free and healthy mentally and physically.

Mikenna Kossow
( 916 ) 752 - 8515


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Stress Relievers

Stress Relievers

1.  Breathe Deeply.  When you feel stress, your muscles tense and breathing is fast and short intakes of air.  Stop and inhale through your nose as you count slowly to 5, hold it for another 5 count and exhale for another 5 count through your mouth.  You can do this anywhere and anytime.

2.  Drink water.  Stress tends to dehydrate you an dehydration leads to stress.

3.  Sleep peacefully.  Be sure to get a full night's sleep.  Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.  Keep the bedroom dark and cool.  Of course avoid caffeine and alcohol before going to bed.

4.  Eat nutritiously.  Poor eating habits weaken the immune system and put your body under stress.

5.  Exercise.  Many studies have shown the direct relationship between exercise and and decreased stress.  It gives you the "feel good" hormones in replacement of the stress hormones and eases muscle tension.

6.  Give and receive love.  Having a loving emotional connection with people will decrease the stress hormone, and studies show will help you live happier and longer lives.

7.  Be forgiving.  Letting go of deep resentment will free you to enjoy life, thus healthier relationships and the blessing of inner peace.

8.  Practice gratitude.  Stress thrives of negative thinking.  Focusing on what you have to be grateful for every day will make your life better.

9.  Develop acceptance.  Recognize the things you can't change and let them go.

10.  Develop a relationship with a higher power.  Nourishing your spirituality will help you manage stress experts say.  It helps us feel a sense of purpose and thus we are able to cope with life's unexpected interruptions. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Kacie and Kylie's Journey

Kacie's Journal
April 7th, 2014

Day 1 of phase 2 went rough! I officially got my real estate license today so things were crazy. I made it to the gym later than normal and it was crazy busy which gives me anxiety and makes me wanna fight anyone that gets in my way. My elbow is still injured. It was getting better until I swatted a wasp in my house and BAM there is the pain again. I am waiting to see a specialist. 

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I downloaded the myfitnesspal app on my phone to keep track of my protein because I was scared I wasn't getting enough. After a couple of days I realized that I was only eating between 20g and 35g per day. I'm supposed to be eating 130g! It's taken over a week but today I finally got over 100. Protein is essential for muscle growth and now I know why I'm still a little toothpick. I would highly recommend the app to anyone and usually make my clients use it. It has a lot of detail and can be an eye opener if you are honestly entering your food. 

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The beautiful close up was taken right after I puked in the trash can, and right before I sent Ryan and Kylie a nice text that said FU!!! Our fabulous and over confident trainer Ryan decided to step it up a little for phase 2! But seriously Ryan, you suck!!! Even though I hate you right now, I know I will love you again in an hour or so. 

So, I started the cleanse on Monday (this is Saturday) and I feel soooo amazing! When I cheat I make myself do 50 Burpees. I talked our newest trainer Kayla into suffering with me, and she seems to be doing great too. The first couple of days were rough but it's getting easier and I can tell a HUGE difference in my body! This is the first time in almost 2 years that I've gone more than 3 days in a row without drinking.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Clean Out Your Cupboards and Make Room for a Healthier You!

If you’re anything like me, you know you have those bad-for-you foods that you absolutely SHOULD NOT consume, but you just can’t throw away. (Cheeze-Its anyone?) You initially bought the food for someone else, or as a quick snack when you’re on the go, or someone thought they were doing you a favor by leaving them with you. Now? Well, now that food is just sitting in your cabinets, your pantry, your cupboards, staring you in the face and daring you to take a bite, JUST ONE, because you know you want just one little taste.
Why do we keep these foods? For me, personally, I grew up in a home where we didn’t waste anything. Stale chips, soggy cereal, whatever, we weren’t allowed to throw food out. This mindset has transferred into my adulthood, despite my best efforts, I have a hard time throwing out food until it’s considered “expired”.
There’s also the issue of cost. It’s hard to justify tossing a $4 box of crackers when you think about what else that $4 could have bought. Or you’re worried you won’t find a good (preferably healthy) replacement for that box, and you don’t want to get rid of it until you do “just in case”.
The majority of us are all guilty of doing this, in varying extremities. Well, it’s time to step into that spring cleaning mode, and we should start with those cupboards!
Research has shown that visualize stimulations from these “bad-for-you” foods causes increase in hunger and cravings, and makes it harder to make healthy, SMART choices when it comes to food. Your portion sizes increase in your mind, and your desire to snack becomes more evident.
How do we stop this?! Easy. Toss is out! Get rid of those bad foods, and restock with healthy substitutes! Or make your own!
Can’t handle parting ways with your kids’ favorite box of crackers snacks (that you usually eat alongside them)? Make your own cabinet! Separate the junk food from the healthy and put all of the GOOD choices in its own cabinet. You can open your cabinet doors and ONLY your cabinet doors, and make informed healthy decisions about the foods you consume!
Or do one better and take a box of that food to a nearby shelter, that way it won’t go to waste so you won’t feel guilty AND you’re doing a service to those in need!
Make sure to restock with the right foods, too! Don’t go grocery shopping hungry, and come with a list! The fastest way to a lifestyle change is removing that temptation, so let’s do it!

Kayla Hargaden
Certified Personal Trainer
Certified TRX Group Instructor

(317) 473-3398

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Importance of a Personal Trainer

The Importance of a Personal Trainer

     There are 5 basic elements to a well-rounded fitness program.  They are aerobic fitness, muscular fitness, stretching, core stability and balance training.  For people who may be new at incorporating physical training in their daily lives, or not new, but not getting the most out of their work-outs, it is important to have sessions with a personal trainer.  A certified personal trainer has been educated in all the 5 elements of a good fitness program.  They can help you get the best out of every movement and reduce the risk of injury.
     When doing aerobics, the purpose is to increase your heart rate for a period of time.  It is important to have a professional monitor your progress so you are still challenging yourself but not taking risks to over-extend your heart.
     In strength training whether using weights, machines, or any other equipment, a personal trainer can guide you through every movement to achieve the best results.  In this area, it is easy to injure yourself if you are not familiar with whatever apparatus you are using and the most efficient way to utilize it.
     Stretching is of course also important, and if not done properly, can also cause some major injury.  Something you may think is easy to do can cause a pulled or torn muscle that can be very debilitating.
     In all of these areas of exercise, there are hundreds of choices that best fit your lifestyle, age and abilities.  Even if you can only use a personal trainer for a short period of time, the investment is well worth it to maximize your work-outs for life.

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