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Friday, October 17, 2014

Don’t Fall Back Run Forward

As we head into fall, the weather gets a bit colder and the holidays bring lots of food. People tend to slow down in this season of the year; it stays darker later in the morning and gets darker early in the night. The colder weather brings a sense of dropping back in our physical activity. We tend to fall into a sedentary way of living. I know firsthand as we enter into this season of the year motivation levels decrease, the likelihood that I will workout is low because all I want to do is watch tv on my couch or stay inside and be lazy. The loss of daylight is the big contributor to losing the desire to workout. I am here to tell you, this fall do not let yourself fall away from all the progress you may have recently made this past spring and summer. Being active is a lifestyle and lifestyle should mean daily; in the heat, in the cold, in the daylight, and in the dark. So how can you prevent yourself from falling back and how can you continue to run forward in the midst of winter?

      Schedule your workouts: By putting your workout down on paper with a date and time you will more likely follow through with it. Keep it in your calendar and hold yourself to sticking with that. Do not bail on yourself
      Find a workout buddy: You are more likely to be motivated and to follow through if you have someone to workout with. I know for me knowing that there is a partner waiting for me at the gym pushes me to be accountable and show up regardless of my mood or how I feel.
      Workout inside: Some people do not like working out when it’s cold. Find a gym like Guiding Fitness and take your workouts indoors if you have been working outside all summer. You could even work out inside of your home.
      Buy winter workout clothes: If you want to bear the cold like me, keep working out outside-get yourself some warm clothes made for winter (buying the clothes might actually push you to follow through with exercising because you just spent some money). Also, buy a headlamp if you plan on working out in the dark hours that way you can still see.

These are just a few tips for sticking with it this fall/winter season. Don’t let yourself fall, keep pushing forward with this lifestyle. It’s never too early to start on those New Year goals.

Mikenna Kossow
Guiding Fitness

Friday, October 3, 2014

Be Proud Of Your Hard Work

All the hard work you put in to preparing your meals and making all the right choices over the last week, month or even years needs to be realized. Often times the goals seem out of reach or on the far side of a never ending tunnel. Reaching the end of the tunnel rarely ever truly happens. The reason for this is that your Goal should be ever changing and evolving. It’s at the time of these changes you get to celebrate and rejoice over the great accomplishments you have already completed. They may not be the end of your tunnel or rather they are the beginning of a new trip to be taken. A new tunnels end to reach. 
Having a cheat day at the end of a great week is an easy pat on the back. Why should we limit ourselves to just a little extra carbs on Sunday? How about setting aside a separate goal of having a Hawaiian vacation as soon as you can sport your new found confidence along the beach? However you decide to treat yourself is up to you; just remember you deserve it for all your hard work a dedication.
Your hard work shows both outside as well as inside. The people around you see the new glow, the continuing aspiration of greatness you pursue each day. Share your story proudly with others. Enjoy the feeling of telling them how great you feel now and inspire them further to embark on a journey of their own. When you pass that feeling of greatness and accomplishment onto a person willing to take up the challenge you can be proud of that as well. Share with them you healthy tips on eating and sleeping well at night. Guide them to the person or team that helped you along your way so that they can have the same opportunities you have.
Every day I help people work toward goals of all kinds. I’ll tell you from my personal experience that not many things can compare to the way it makes you feel when somebody you have helped and worked with so closely Reaches the milestone of one or more of their tunnel goals. This by far is the most proud you can experience. It’s those days to celebrate the most. When all your hard work becomes a day combined with the greatness of another who work so exponentially to achieve something so dear you have to soak it up and share it again.

Ryan Canon

WE Learn. We Grow. We Conquer.