We are

We are

Sunday, April 29, 2012

You Made It!!

Hi Healthy Living Folks!

Woo Hoo! You are almost there! Don't give up now, but press on! Completing this 28 day cleanse is an amazing accomplishment on so many levels. Just simply stating that you will commit to something as challenging as this and then sticking to it demonstrates integrity. When you stick it out to the end, you are a person who does what you say you will! Accomplishing this program is building and strengthening your character, not to mention, getting your body clean!

Maybe you have started dreaming about foods you want to start reintroducing after Monday. Maybe you are enjoying the increased energy and lightness in your body and want to continue. The choice is yours, always. If you are ready to begin introducing the eliminated foods back into your diet, do them one at time and slowly. See how your body will react to it.

Take time to decide what you would like your life to look like after this cleanse. Will you simply go back to your "normal" eating or incorporate some new habits? What have you learned and how will it impact your choices in the future? Many individuals choose to continue the 80/20 or 80/10/10 rule. My hopes are that you will not only continue a healthy lifestyle with lots of new, healthy habits, but that you are moved to share this with others.  When you share what you know, you are helping another and supporting change.

Lastly, our final weigh-in and measurements meeting will be Monday, April 30th at 8:30 am and 5:30 pm. If you have tried some healthy eating recipes that we didn’t share on here and you’d like to share the recipes, please email them to me so we can use them for future cleanses and also put them up on our ActiveFlicks website for others to see.  If you took pictures of hat you made could you please send those out too? 

Thank you all!!  Can’t wait to see you on Monday and see your results!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Body Cleanse Week 3

Hello Everyone!

We are at the final 7 days of the cleanse!!  How are you all doing?  I hope you are all hanging in there.  Don't give up!!  You are so close to the finish.

Continue to eat as you have been.  If you chose to incorporate the 7-Day Body Cleanse with our program, remember this week to continue with two more days. Dilute the detox solution with 32 oz of water and drink at least 32 more oz of water that day. If you feel tired or like you are coming down with a little cold during your cleanse, this is normal. Your body is just detoxing! Celebrate what you are doing and try to give yourself the rest you need.

Remember our meetings are on Monday nights at 5:30 and Wednesday mornings at 8:30.  This is your time to come in and ask any questions you may have or talk about how horrible this cleanse is and maybe get some help with how you can feel bettter.  This will be our last week for meetings.  Next Monday, the 30th is our final day for weigh-ins and measurements.  I will announce time later this week.

Keep on eating healthy!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Add-on For Week 2

Hello Everyone! 

Here's a list of the acid forming foods to avoid and a recipe for the alkaline broth for anyone interested.


Meats: beef, pork, bacon, sausages, burgers, ham, all process meats
All refined, packaged foods including most breakfast cereals that contain sugar
Wine, beer, and spirits, carbonated drinks, cows milk
Fried food, bbq foods
Green bananas
White bread, white flour
Non-organic eggs, ice cream, margarine
Salt and salted peanuts
Cookies and cakes, snack foods, refined pasta


Choose a combination of the following vegetables equaling approximately 1 1/2 - 2 cups:
1/3 root veggies (sweet potatoes, yams, potatoes, beets, carrots, etc.)
1/3 non-starchy, crunchy vegetables (celery, green beans, zucchini, onions)
1/3 leafy vegetables (spinach, collard greens, parsley, kale, etc.)

Place vegetables in a soup pot with a significant amount of filtered water (more than enough to cover.)  Bring to a boil and let them simmer for 45 minutes.  Strain and keep the broth.  You may drink as much of this broth as you want during the program.  Try to drink at least one cup a day.  This recipe will keep in the refrigerator for 3 days.  Do not freeze and defrost. Make fresh as needed.

Hope you are enjoying this gorgeous weather!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Body Cleanse Week 2

Hi Everyone!

Congratulations on completing your first week and well into your second!  .

With your pantries stocked and lots of great recipes in hand, week 2 begins.  For most of you the hardest part is over, getting past those first few days without sugar and coffee.  Way to go!!!  

This week is about initiating deeper cleansing.  For those of you incorporating some of the recommended products be sure to drink at least a cup of the detox tea each day and choose 2 consecutive days this week to start your Seasource Detox Body Cleanse. Don't do the entire 7 days, just 2 days this week, and then stop.  Eating is the same.  

Try increasing alkaline foods and bringing our Ph more in balance. This will help to increase water percentage and help some of you who may feel like you need to urinate more when you drink more fluids. An alkaline broth is very beneficial for increasing alkaline levels and is also a warm, nurturing beverage, especially on these rather cold days.

Some foods high in alkaline:
Fresh Red Beet
Red Radish
Summer Black Radish
Cabbage lettuce, fresh
Cayenne Pepper
Dog Grass
Endive, fresh
Fresh cut green beans
Spinach (other than March)
Sprouted seeds (all kinds)
Straw grass
Foods that are neutral:

Tea (herbal, green)
Olive Oil
Banana (ripe)
Cherry, sour
Fresh lemon
Almond butter, raw
Pine nuts
White radish, spring
Bell peppers, all colors
Bok Choy
Leek's (bulbs)
Mustard greens
Peas, fresh, ripe
Pumpkins, raw
Red Cabbage
Spinach (March Harvest)
Squash, all kinds, raw
Tomato’s, puree
Tomato's, raw
Tomato's, sundried
White Cabbage

It is important you do an alkaline diet the correct way.  Eating the correct alkaline foods is one part of balancing your body, but there is more to it than just that.

You can find out how the alkaline diet system works here:


It explains:

-How to test if your body pH level is out of balance

-Which Alkaline Foods will give you the best results and which acidic ones to avoid.

-How Alkaline foods can fight off sickness, disease, even cancer.

-How to restore healthy weight levels without a restrictive lifestyle

-Discover how to buzz with vibrant energy and vitality, all day long, even if you thought it was lost as a child.

-Why you may find discrepancies for pH ratings on various acid-alkaline food charts.

-How long acidic problems take to correct themselves and what results you will see and feel.

-Should you avoid beef and wheat foods? What about alcohol or chicken?

-The symptoms you need to look for to know if you need more alkaline foods in your diet.

 Keep your spirits high, enjoy your food and drink, linger in your friendships, and practice mindfulness throughout your days.

Make it a great week!

Don't forget!  Meeting times are Monday night at 5:30 and Wednesday morning at 8:30.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hello everyone! 
Are you feeling inspired today? Don’t wait until next week to try to do your best. Expect more from yourself and you will deliver!

Here's some tips to keep you on track:

1.  Check your attitude.  Practice gratitude.  You are lucky to be in this program, learning about your health, and practicing something new?  Don't let yourself feel deprived or sorry for yourself for even just a second.  Catch yourself and remember why you are doing this. Although time slows down on a cleanse, it is only 28 days!  Take advantage of this time.  Life, otherwise, flies by.  Forget about using food or alcohol as a treat or something you deserve after a long day.  Go for a walk or make a call to a detox buddy when you need to.  Program yourself with positive, loving thoughts, and thoughts of gratitude.  Your cravings for alcohol and food will fade and are often either mental or your body lacking nutrients.

 2.  Clean your pantry and go grocery shopping.  Make sure you plan ahead and have things available that are "cleanse worthy."  Get rid of foods that you are trying to avoid or create a separate shelf or cupboard for "your foods."  

3.  Eat every 4-6 hours.  Try not to eat sooner than 4 hours and try not to go longer than 6 hours.

4.  Stop snacking.  If you need to, tell yourself, "Just for today, I won't snack", or "just for this moment."  Think of something else to do like go for a walk or make a call to a detox buddy.  Take it moment to moment.  The craving will pass.  Focus on making each meal count.  Get your protein and veggies first, then fill in with good fats and a small serving of starchy non-processed carbs (ie. brown rice,  quinoa, sweet potato).  Try drinking some water or tea.  A lot of times we are thirsty.  This is also the time to avoid toxic emotions and drama.  Try to remain calm when things come up.  Breathe!  There is no situation worth eating or drinking alcohol over.  Work on having a mind like water.  Each time you get through tough times without using food, you will feel great joy the next day.  It's a great triumph and you will build a lot of trust and integrity with yourself.  It's more than you will ever know.  Do not minimize the importance of this.  You will not starve or die.

5.  Make a plan to exercise and stick to it.  Exercise is another way we can detoxify our bodies.  Plan out what kind of exercise you will do and when.  If you need to find an exercise buddy to help you, be sure to do this.  Accountability is key.  We are building trust and accountability with ourselves.  Make yourself a priority.

6.  Drink lots of liquids.  We often confuse thirst with hunger.

7.  Eat like a caveman.  Lots of clean, lean, protein, vegetables, nuts and seeds. It’s really all about proportions. Make sure you get a deck of cards worth of protein (for men, two decks if you want); half your plate is nonstarchy veggies; a serving of fat (1/4 avocado, 1 tsp. of oil, 1 TBS nuts, 1-2 tsp almond butter, ¼ cup coconut milk, etc.); and an optional ¼ to ½ cup of starchy carbs at breakfast and dinner. If you are hungry, add more protein, more nonstarchy veg, more fat, and more fiber. Remember you can have your protein shakes as meal replacements – at least one or two per day once you get your product.

8.  Stop eating 3 hours before you go to bed. Try to stop eating by 7 and be in bed by 10 or 11. Your body burns the most fat and detoxifies best at night. You do not want to be digesting food at night. If it’s late and you have not eaten, do a protein shake with fiber and water, or try just some fiber in water. If you have trouble sleeping, try the same.

9.  Try writing down everything you eat and drink. The most successful people make a food plan for the week or the day and then they stick to it no matter what.

10.  Get inspired!!!  Find an inspiring photo, piece of clothing, etc. Be clear about where you are going and why. Be prepared to share your inspiration with your detox buddies.

Before you take that first bite or drink of anything that would interfere with your cleanse please do the following:

Get a detox buddy or group and then call this person or someone in your group. If you don’t reach the first person, or don’t feel better after talking to them, call the next person. Texting may work also. 

Write about it. Most of the time, the desire to eat or drink something off our plan is a desire to escape feelings. Face the feelings because the food will not make it better. Be sure to get a journal.

Leave the situation. Leave the room at the party, leave your kitchen, go for a walk, etc.

Drink some water, make some tea.

Take a shower or bath.

 Read or listen to some inspiring literature.

 Pray or meditate. If you are spiritual, your Higher Power can help you with anything. Don’t think your feeling is too small for you to get help.

Here are some more recipes to keep you going!
3 Egg Omelet with Beans, Bell Pepper and Onions
Crack three eggs into a bowl, beat well.
In a skillet (preferably cast iron) sauté onions and bell peppers until soft and fragrant.
Add a scoop of your premade beans, heat through. In a non-stick skillet heat some
EVOO. Add beaten eggs; allow egg to cook on the bottom and around the sides. Add
bean, pepper and onion mixture to one side of the eggs and then fold over the other
side on top. Allow to cook for 1 minute more. If you wish, serve with some salsa on top.

Baby Greens, Pecans, Apple and Chicken Salad
Top a bed of baby greens with chopped pecans, apples and some leftover roasted
chicken. Toss with EVOO & lemon juice, season with salt and pepper.

Broiled Polenta with Marinara Sauce
Saute garlic in EVOO. Add chicken broth and tomato puree. (optional sprig of rosemary)
Leftover polenta works great for this. Cut polenta into slices. Broil to warm.
Butternut Squash soup
Boil peeled and cubed butternut squash in organic Chicken Broth. When soft and
mushy blend squash and broth in a blender until smooth. Put mixture back on the
stove top and add coconut milk until creamy. Add sea salt, pepper, and cayenne
pepper to taste.

Chicken and Rice Soup (Homemade Stock)
1. Trim the meat off leftover roasted chickens and set aside in a bowl (reserve half for
soup and the other half for salad).
2. Place all bones, skin and “inedible” chicken parts from both chickens in a big pot.
3. Remove saved pan drippings from fridge, all the fat will have floated to the top.
Scrap off with a spoon, either discard or you can save in the freezer to use for savory
pie crusts at another time. Place the remaining pan drippings in the pot, they will be
very gelatinous, this is normal.
4. Add one large chopped onion, 2 chopped celery sticks, 2 chopped carrots, one bay
leaf and about 6 black peppercorns. Cover contents of pot with water, bring to a boil
and then turn down to a simmer. Allow to simmer all day or at least several hours.
5. Drain off bones, ect. You are left with a delicious, nutritious broth. Salt to taste, add
carrots, celery, the leftover chicken and brown rice. Boil until veggies and rice are
cooked. You can also use this broth as a base for a butternut squash soup

Chicken Vegetable Brown Rice Soup
Can or cooked organic chicken, Organic Chicken broth (fresh, canned or bouillon
cubes). Add brown rice (cook until soft). Fresh Vegetables (carrots, onions, green
beans, etc) Cook until Brown Rice is soft.

Coconut Chicken, Fish, Shrimp, or Scallops
1 Tbsp of sesame oil
3 cloves of garlic, chopped into small pieces
1 shallot, chopped into small pieces
1/2 medium white onion, chopped into small pieces (Note: You can buy these 3 already
chopped together at Trader Joe’s if you don’t have time to prepare)
2 boneless organic, free range chicken breasts OR Wild fish filets OR Wild shrimp OR
2 large bunches of organic broccoli
Organic coconut milk
Sea Salt
In skillet, on medium heat, put in sesame oil and let heat up and then add garlic, shallot
and white onion pieces. Cook until onions start to caramelize. Take out of skillet
and set aside. Place protein into skillet you used to cook initially and if they are thick,
filet them (cut them open and spread out), sprinkle sea salt lightly over them and cook
on medium heat.
Add 1/4 can of organic coconut milk and to let protein cook and turn frequently.
When starts to cook through, place another 1/4 can of organic coconut milk over the
top of cooking chicken.
Put the garlic, shallot, onion mixture on the top of the chicken and let cook the milk
cook down until it is absorbed into the meat. Keep turning frequently until chicken is no longer pinkkk and reduced to lower temperature while you are preparing rice/quinoa and broccoli.  Frish, shrimp and scallopsa re generally faster cooking.  Steam broccoli until done.  Serve chicken and broccoli with a 1/2 cup of brown rice or quinoa. For extra flavor you can add a small amount of Braggs to the rice or quinoa.
Dill Salmon with Stir-Fried Veggies and Brown Rice
Put the frozen package of salmon in the fridge the morning you want to cook it and it
will defrost safely. When you are ready to cook, season the fillets with a little bit of dill
and fresh lemon or lime. While I am not big on non-stick pans, this is one thing I do
use a nonstick pan for. I heat up some olive oil, then I put the salmon fillets in “upside
down” (I always purchase the salmon with the skin on, I think it is easier to cook),
cover the pan and cook for about 5 minute, then flip the salmon and cook for another
5 minutes, on medium to high heat. This is wonderful with some stir-fried vegetables
and brown rice.

Fennel Salad
1-2 bulbs chopped, slivered almonds or pecans, green onion, fresh cranberries, EVOO,
lemon, salt, and pepper

Falafel Salad
3 cups well cooked chickpeas; (2-15 ounce cans will equal 3 cups) drained well
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon dry parsley
1/2 teaspoon garlic
2 medium eggs
1/4 cup rice flour
Drain the chickpeas and place them in a large bowl. Use a potato masher to mash
the beans the same way you would mash potatoes. They taste best if they aren’t too
smooth, so be sure to leave them a little chunky. Add the salt, cayenne pepper, parsley,
garlic powder and eggs. Mix everything together until you have a sticky mass.
Add the rice flour and mix again.
Generously oil a cookie sheet. Using about 2-tablespoons per falafel, shape the mixture
into small patties. Arrange the patties on the well oiled cookie sheet. Flip each
patty over so that it is lightly coated with oil on each side. Bake at 450F for about
20 minutes. Check them after 15 minutes, but they will probably need another 5
minutes to be good and brown.
Serve falafels over a bed of baby greens with cucumber, cherry tomatoes and some
fresh chopped dill. Toss with EVOO & lemon juice, season with salt and pepper

Fried Rice
Sauté spinach, mushrooms, onions, broccoli, and carrots. Add 1/2 c. cooked brown
rice. Scramble one egg into side of frying pan. Add pine nuts.

Firecracker Shrimp
Serves 6
This shrimp is spicy and vibrantly flavored with a fiery almond pesto made from
cilantro, jalapeños and scallions. It’s a quick flash in the pan before you’re ready to
enjoy this delicious dish.
1 bunch cilantro, stems removed
1/3 cup sliced or whole almonds
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons ground cumin
6 green onions, roughly chopped
3 cloves garlic
2 jalapeño peppers, seeded and halved
2 pounds medium to large shrimp, peeled and deveined 2 tablespoons lemon juice
Salt to taste
1 small avocado, thinly sliced
6 cherry or grape tomatoes, halved
Set aside 6 sprigs of cilantro for garnish. Put remaining cilantro, almonds, 2 table
spoons of the oil, cumin, green onions, garlic, jalapeños, and 1/4 cup water in the
bowl of a food processor or blender and puree until a smooth paste forms, about 1
Minestrone Soup
Stewed Tomatoes
Zucchini & yellow Squash
Beans (optional)
Moroccan Eggplant Curry
2 medium to large eggplants cubed
1 onion chopped
3 carrots chopped into bite size chunks
3 celery stalks chopped
Sauté for a few minutes until almost tender and then add:
2 cloves garlic minced
1 tbsp fresh ginger minced
1 small zucchini chopped into bite size chunks
1/2 tsp paprika
1 tsp cumin
1 tbsp fresh or freeze-dried oregano (or 1 tsp dried)
1/8 tsp cayenne (or more if you like more heat)
1/4 tsp ground turmeric
3/4 tsp cinnamon
Sauté until the zucchini softens slightly then add:
1 19oz can of diced tomatoes with the juice
1 cup canned chickpeas with the juice
Let cook until bubbly and then pour into a baking dish. Cover and bake in a 350F
oven for about 45 minutes. Stir occasionally. Once you put the curry in the oven start
a pot of brown rice, use 2 cups of chicken or veggie broth, 1/4 (heaping) teaspoon of
all spice, once boiling add 1 cup of brown rice, put heat down to low and cover, cook
at low for 40 minutes or however long directed by the rice packaging. Serve the curry
over a pile of brown rice.
Pinto Beans
Soak beans overnight in water. Rinse beans, cover with water, and cook several hours
until soft. Alternatively, if you own a pressure cooker you can cook at pressure for 11
minutes. Drain off excess water, add some oregano, salt, pepper and olive oil. Refrigerate
in an easily accessible container.

Polenta with egg
Boil 1 cup polenta with 3 cups water or broth. Stir often. When thick add 1 egg. Stir.

Quinoa Salad over Mixed Greens
Cook 1 cup Quinoa to 2 cups organic chicken broth (bring to boil, simmer 20 mins)
Cool. Add EVOO, sea salt, cracked pepper to taste
Add diced green apple, chopped tomato

Rice Cereal
Boil water as directed on rice cereal box. Add rice and frozen blueberries. Cover and
simmer for couple minute. Turn off heat source and continue to stream for 5 min.
Blend almond milk with 1 scoop of protein and 1 scoop of fiber in blender. Mix in rice
cereal and enjoy!

Roasted Chickens
1. Use a large baking dish, like one you would bake a big lasagna in. Put 2 chickens in
the dish side by side, breast up. Make sure to remove the organs they put inside the
bird, (you can fee to dogs raw, but most people will probably throw them out).
2. Stuff the inner cavity of the chickens with celery and carrot sticks. Drizzle the outside
with olive oil, season with salt and pepper.
3. Bake at 325 for 3 hours.
4. Remove chickens from oven, put each chicken on a plate.
5. Put pan drippings in a glass bowl, cover and refrigerate.
6. Serve slices of chicken breast with your favorite sides. Our family enjoys a big salad.
7. Cover leftover chickens with foil and refrigerate.

Shrimp Louis Salad
Lettuce, shrimp, avocado, boiled egg, tomato, olives, green apple, onion, lemon, EVOO.
Shrimp Scampi
Add garlic to EVOO in frying pan. When garlic is cooked add thawed, precooked
shrimp to warm. Just before serving squeeze juice from one lemon into it. Add fresh,
chopped parsley.

Split pea Soup with Brown Rice
In a big pot combine, 1 cup washed split peas, grated carrot and potato, chopped celery
and onion, water (can use chicken broth)to cover plus an inch, salt. Bring to a boil.
Simmer until peas are soft and soup is thick.

Stir Fry
Use chicken, shrimp, filet (lean steak)
Small amount of olive oil
Stir Fry FRESH vegetables (mushrooms, bell peppers, broccoli, squash, and bean
Season with small amount of sea salt, pepper and fresh herbs.

Super Simple Delicious Chicken Soup
1 hot cooked chicken (roasted chicken pre-cooked at any grocery store!)
1 box gluten free chicken broth (get 2 if you want to make a large pot)
Frozen/canned peas, carrots, and other of your favorite veggies
Brown Rice
Spices/Salt/Pepper to taste (garlic sea salt, thyme, pepper).
Fresh rosemary, if available.
All the quantities just depend on how chunky you want it and if you want leftovers.
Just shred the chicken and put everything into a pot and warm.

Turkey Burgers
Season 1/4 pound of lean turkey meat with salt and pepper (can add chili flakes for a
Mold into patties and cook in frying pan about 5 minutes on each side.
Meanwhile, sauté sliced mushrooms.
Place 2 large ice berg lettuce leaves on plate.
Layer patty, mushrooms, sliced red onion, avocado, and tomatoes.
Wrap with lettuce and enjoy.

Turkey Chili
1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil
1 pound ground turkey
1 onion, chopped
2 cups water
1 (28 ounce) can canned crushed tomatoes
1 (16 ounce) can canned kidney beans - drained, rinsed, and mashed
1 tablespoon garlic, minced
2 tablespoons chili powder
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Place turkey in the pot, and cook until
evenly brown. Stir in onion, and cook until tender.
Pour water into the pot. Mix in tomatoes, kidney beans, and garlic. Season chili
powder, paprika, oregano, cayenne pepper, cumin, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer 30 minutes.
Top with slices of avocado.

Veggie Chili
Saute garlic in EVOO. Add organic tomato puree and chicken broth. Use all leftover
veggies, add any others like green beans, sweet potato, zucchini. Add black beans.
Season with cumin, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Serve over quinoa or greens.

Make it a great week!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Welcome to the second week of the body cleanse!  Are you ready to start flushing those toxins out of your bodies??  Here is some information for this week and also some recipes to help get you started!

We will be having a brief meeting this Monday before the kickboxing class.  Try to be there by 5:30 for measurements and pictures.  If you can't make it to Mondays class, don't sweat it!  We will be having another one Wednesday morning.  Try to be there at 8:30.  If you have any questions about any of the information you've received so far please ask.  You won't learn or know if you don't!

Also, since we extended our Arbonne orders we won't have them on Mon.  We will have them later in the week.  You can still get started with the cleanse, just eat healthy, whole foods.  Remember the colors of the rainbow?  Eat those colors of foods and you'll be good to go!

http://www.quinoa.net/181.html- Website for cooking quinoa ( amazing)!

 Mock Wendy’s Arbonne Shake! (Tastes JUST like a frosty from Wendy’s!)
1 Cup of Non-fat skim milk
2 TBSP of sugar free fat free chocolate pudding mix
1 TSP Vanilla Extract
2 TSP Arbonne Chocolate Shake Powder
2 TBL Cool whip (Optional, fat free, of course!)
1 Cup Ice cubes! (About 7)
- Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth and consistent. Enjoy! :)

One Guiltless Chocolate Brownie
2 TBSP whole wheat flour
1 TBSP sugar/truvia
1 TBSP Arbonne Chocolate Shake Powder
A pinch of baking soda
A pinch of salt
2 TBSP of low fat vanilla yogurt (I use Greek yogurt, you can add more to blend!)
- Mix it all up and pop it in the microwave for one minute! Enjoy! :)

No-Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
½ Cup Margarine/Butter
¼ Cup Chocolate Arbonne Powder
2 Cups Sugar/substitute
½ Cup Milk
3 Cups of cooking oats
½ Cup Organic Peanut Butter
1 TBSP Vanilla extract
- In a saucepan, bring together sugar, chocolate powder, milk and margarine. Stir over medium heat. Bring to a boil, then bring in the vanilla, peanut butter, oats and salt. Once mixture is consistent, drop by rounded spoonfuls onto waxed paper. Allow cookies to cool in the refrigerator for about an hour. Enjoy! :)

Frozen Chocolate Cheesecake
1 cup of Fat-Free Cool Whip
½ cup fat-free cream cheese; softened
1 TBSP Sugar/Truvia/Substitute
1/2 cup Arbonne Chocolate shake powder
1 cup skim milk
(Optional) Fat – Free graham crackers (Crumbled into pieces)
- Mix the Cool Whip, cream cheese, 3/4ths Skim Milk and sugar all together in a bowl until it is smooth and consistent You may want to use a blender to get it just right! You may add the graham cracker pieces if desired. Pour the mixture into an ice tray, filling up each container about 3/4ths of the way full. Mix up Arbonne powder with ¼ cup of skim milk. Next, top each of the cheesecake squares with a teaspoon of the Arbonne chocolate mixture. Place the tray in the freezer until they are frozen into squares. Once frozen, they may take a fork to get out because of the thick texture. You can top them with strawberry slices or low fat graham cracker pieces! Enjoy! :)

2 scoop of Arbonne chocolate protein powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Fiber
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk, may add ice and water
1 tbsp of almond butter
1 teaspoon instant coffee crystals

2 scoop of Arbonne chocolate protein powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Fiber
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk, may add ice and water
1 Banana

2 scoops Arbonne Chocolate Protein Powder + 1 scoop of Arbonne Fiber
12 oz water
1/8 tsp. Mint Extract OR fresh mint
1 cup ice

Avocado and tomato on gluten free bagel with a sprinkle of lemon pepper
Pita with hummus sprouts spinach and tomatoes with a drizzle of balsamic dressing
Gluten free bread with white bean hummus, cucumber, tomatoes, sprouts, and fresh pepper
**seitan and soba noodle stir fry
Sundried tomato , fresh basil, garlic and pinole pesto ( for pasta)
Gluten free bread with smoked tempeh avocado tomato and lettuce sandwich
Black beans and rice dinner=
black beans - 4 ounces
vegetable stock - 3 ounces
Bragg Liquid Aminos - 1 ounces
chili powder (red) - 1 teaspoon
tomato - 3 ounces
green onions - 1 ounces
water chestnuts - 4 ounces
corn (fresh, frozen, or canned) - 4 ounces
bell pepper (red, yellow, or green) - 5 ounces
cilantro - 3 teaspoon
avocado - 2 ounces
brown rice (cooked E2 Brown Rice) - 6 ounces
salsa - 1 ounces
tamari - 1 ounces
Heat the beans with water or stock, Bragg’s, and chili powder.
Place the chopped vegetables and cilantro in individual bowls.
To serve, place several big spoonfuls of brown rice onto large plates and ladle beans on top.
Add generous handfuls of chopped vegetables, cilantro, and avocado on top of the beans.
Add salsa or tamari to taste.

Quinoa With Mushrooms, Kale, and Sweet Potatoes
Serves 4Hands-On Time: 15mTotal Time: 30m
1 cup quinoa
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 small sweet potatoes (about 1 pound), peeled and cut into 3/4-inch pieces
10 ounces button mushrooms, quartered
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1 bunch kale, stems discarded and leaves torn into 2-inch pieces
3/4 cup dry white wine
kosher salt and black pepper
1/4 cup grated Parmesan (1 ounce)
Place the quinoa and 2 cups water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, until water is absorbed, 12 to 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat.
Add the sweet potatoes and mushrooms and cook, tossing occasionally, until golden and beginning to soften, 5 to 6 minutes.
Stir in the garlic and cook for 1 minute.
Add the kale, wine, ¾ teaspoon salt, and ¼ teaspoon pepper. Cook, tossing often, until the vegetables are tender, 10 to 12 minutes.
Serve the vegetables over the quinoa and sprinkle with the Parmesan.

Nutritional Yeast Quick Mac n Cheese
6-7 Tbsp nutritional yeast flakes
1 1/2 cups plain soy milk
1 cup sweet potato, mashed
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp apple cider vinegar (opt'l)
1/2 cup onion
8 oz pasta
*I used whole wheat shells
1. First check out these optional ingredients:
* For a ultra-rich n creamy sauce, use half soy milk/half soy creamer as liquid.
* You can bake this pasta and add a thin layer of vegan cheese on top to get that bubbly baked look and taste.
* 1 Tbsp of Vegenaise - adds a sweet creamy accent.
2. Heat your sweet potato - about small to medium sized - in the microwave or oven. Heat until cooked through.
3. Boil some salted water on the stove and drop your pasta for cooking as directed on box/bag.
4. While your pasta is cooking, add your nutritional yeast flakes, garlic powder, pepper, vinegar and soy milk to a large mixing bowl. Stir well.
4. Finely chop your onion and add it to the mixing bowl. Mix.
5. When your sweet potato is ready, peel off the skin and mash it well. Scoop about 1 cup of the mashed sweet potato into your mixing bowl. Mash it well into the liquid. You should get a nice thick creamy orange sauce. You can always add more liquid if you'd like a thinner sauce. And you can add more sweet potato if you'd like it super thick and a tad sweeter. You can even add in more nutri-yeast flakes for an extra strong nutty 'cheese' flavor.
6. Drain your cooked pasta and drop it right into you mixing bowl and fold in the sauce. You won't need to heat the pasta 'cheese' sauce separately because the warm pasta will provide heat. However, you can keep the pasta warm in a 180 degree oven, or re-heat in oven or microwave as needed.

(OK. It's one ingredient plus some flavors.)
What you'll need . . .
2 ripe bananas, chopped
2 tablespoons peanut butter ( or Sub Almond Butter)
Handful chocolate chips Vegan chips
(But really ANYTHING GOES!)
Method . . .
Chop bananas into smallish chunks (original post called them coins) and freeze overnight on a plate. I just put ours in a plastic bag.
Then transfer to a food processor (I think a smaller one works better) and process until bananas are in little bits (like in the photo above).
Then add your flavors. There's no right or wrong way to do it. No right or wrong measurements. Continue blending until smooth. Then add the Almond Butter ( or peanut butter) then Add your chocolate Chips to it.

Microwave Chocolate Almond Butter & Gluten free Oat Snack Bars
2 Tbsp Chocolate Chips
2 to 3 Tbsp Almond Butter
2 Tbsp Vanilla Almond milk or Coconut milk
1/2 C Gluten Free Oats
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
1 Tbsp Sweetener ( Agave, Maple Syrup or Stevia to Taste)
1 Tbsp Other Dry Ingredients (coconut flakes, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts, more chocolate chips, raisins, scoop of protein powder, etc.)
Melt the first three ingredients together in the microwave in 30 second intervals, stirring and checking
Then add the Oats and any optional ingredients, stir to combine. (You want this mixture to be fairly dry. If it’s not dry enough, add more oats one tablespoon at a time)
Press mixture into bars or balls. Using a piece of plastic wrap on the inside of a square plastic container will save on dishes and cleanup.
Put in refrigerator or freezer for 10 minutes, or until bars have set up. Slice or break apart.

Remember if you have any questions please ask.  We are here to help you!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Body Cleanse Week 1

A Chinese Proverb says, "When you learn something of value you have an obligation to share it with others".  I am so excited about t his information because I believe that what we don't know can hurt us and what we know but don't practice definitely hurts us!

What is the #1 killer of both men and women in the United States?  Heart disease
Heart disease IS preventable, if you choose to be active and make good choices about what you put in your mouth.

The average American consumes an astounding 2-3 pounds of sugar each week.  We're not just talking about candy and desserts here.  Highly refined sugar is in EVERYTHING.  We consume 135 lbs of sugar per person each year!

Why do you think so many people are experiencing health problems?  It's because of toxins.  They are everywhere!  The levels of toxins we are exposed to daily compared to 100 years ago is staggering.  What would you consider a toxin?  A definition I like is: A toxin is a substance your body can't use as fuel and when they build up they cause damage to your cells. 
We ingest toxins through our:
Lungs - The air we breathe
Skin - The products we use - About 60% of what we put on our skin is absorbed into our bloodstream
Mouth - A landmark report published in 2010 stated that the US government has grossly underestimated the risk of contracting cancer from toxins that we find in everyday food. (2010 The President's Cancer Panel).
Some toxins we ingest are unavoidable, but most are by choice!  It's no wonder we are experiencing that statistics I mentioned earlier.
Our bodies have organs to fight and remove things that aren't good for us.  Our detoxifying organs are our skin, lungs, colon, kidneys and our liver. Our skin is our largest organ, our second is what?  Our liver.  When we think of detoxifying or cleaning our system, your liver is absolutely vital.  Dr. Oz says "The liver does more than 500 jobs inside your body".
Detoxifies your body
Strengthens your immune system
Stores vital nutrients
Helps balance hormones and it even
Balances your blood sugar
Now that we know how crucial our liver is to our overall health, let's talk about how a healthy liver relates to your ideal weight.

What would you say is the main cause of excess weight?

When I started learning about healthy living, I was surprised to learn that:
Fat is a symptom - it isn't just unused calories.  Fat is also created because of unprocessed toxins.  Dr Barbara Beaty says, "You can tell is someone is toxic and hormonally imbalanced - When there is extra fat around the middle."
A toxic liver creates toxic fat - When toxins come into our system at a faster rate than we can process them, our body pulls those toxins away from your vital organs and holds them is fat stores.
The Good News is: When we clear out toxins, we can release fat stores and flush fat fast.  This isn't just about going down  a jean size or two (which is awesome), but about helping your body resist disease and improving your quality of life!
A Fresh Start
Now here we get started.

Today, we're going to talk about the "refresh button" and jump-starting your healthy lifestyle.  We have a simple plan that helps you focus on two things:
Reducing the number of toxins you ingest and
Increasing the number you eliminate!

Because nutrition plays a large role in our health, we want to improve our nutrition by:
Consuming whole foods - Whole foods come WITHOUT a label
Avoiding possible allergens like gluten, corn, dairy, soy, refined sugar, alcohol, and coffee (disease thrives in an acid environment.  Many of these are acidic inflammation causing).
Using Arbonne Essentials.  Time to prepare the right foods.  We all know that getting healthy HAS to be easy or we won't stick to it!  Using our products greatly simplifies the program because you only have to think about one meal per day.  You can have Arbonne meal replacement shakes for two of your meals and then just cook 3 meals per week.
*Our fresh start program is for four weeks and the goal is to develop habits for life!

This plan works!

People are saying this is the most effective, reasonable plan they've ever experienced and they've been able to:

Drop unwanted pounds (especially around the middle)
Increase energy
Boost Immunity
Improve sleep
Enhance digestion and elimination
Decrease joint pain
Increase mental clarity
Improve skin

Arbonne has created a line of Fit Essentials to support this program.  These Essentials are formulated so your body can absorb every bit of nutrition from each product.  You won't fin anything in the market like them!  Every single product line is:
Gluten, dairy, soy protein & cholesterol free
No artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners

Here are some of our products and some information how it helps your body improve:

Protein Shakes
Not only are they best on the market they are delicious!  They:
Are a convenient meal replacement
Improve immunity
Increase energy
Help build and maintain muscle
22 vitamins and minerals
20 grams of vegetable protein (yellow peas, brown rice and cranberries)
*This is huge because most shakes are made with whey which causes inflammation or soy which is controversial because it affects estrogen levels in our body.

Daily Fiber Boost
Fiber is crucial to our health.  Even cereal boxes talk about it and The American Cancer Society says a diet high is fiber reduces the risk of cancer.

Our Fiber Booster is tasteless and can be added to any food or beverage.  It:
Helps lower cholesterol - (Cheerios lowers cholesterol with only 3 grams per serving.  Our fiber booster has three times as much!!)
Helps balance blood sugar and helps you feel full longer.

(You can add this to pasta sauce, oatmeal, soups, etc. and you can sneak fiber into cookies, smoothies...you name it!)

Energy Fizz Tabs
How many people do you know that can't function until they have had their daily Starbucks?
Do you know people that drink 1,2 or even 3 sodas per day?
These no crash energy tabs are approx $1 per drink..., compare that to your favorite Latte' and you can begin to see the savings!

Our Energy Fizz Tabs are a healthy drink that can replace coffee, soda, and even dangerous drinks on the market.  They provide:
Calm energy through B6 and B12 so you don't have the jitters and no crash
Increase mental clarity and focus

They also:
Help to control appetite and burn fat as well as
Replacing coffee and soda

Fit Chews
How many of you would say you have a sweet tooth and feel like you could never give up desserts?  Our fit chews are the answer!
You won't feel like you are missing out on anything!  They:
Satisfy sweet cravings with only 30 calories
Taste fantastic - the chocolate tastes just like a tootsie roll
Control appetite and
Boost energy and mood

Herbal Detox Tea
As I mentioned before our liver needs to stay clean to do its 500 jobs, but did you know that your kidneys filter 200 quarts of blood each day?  Our detox tea is delicious hot or cold, by itself or combines with a fizz tab!  And it:
Gently cleanses your liver and kidneys
Supports weight loss digestion and
Helps rid your body of excess water weight

Omega - 3 Plus
Have you heard much recently about the importance of Omega - 3's?  Your body can't make Omega 3's, so you must get them through either a supplement or you food.  Many Omega 3's on the market are made from fish oil, which can contain mercury, and other dangerous toxins.  Our Omega 3's are made from plants with no fishy aftertaste!
Do any of you struggle with poor concentration or memory or know people that do?  Omega 3's can help!  They also:
Help to reduce inflammation (which lowers the risk of chronic disease like cancer)
Protect the heart
Help lower bad and raise good cholesterol
Play an important role in memory, concentration and behavior

7-Day Body Cleanse
Wouldn't you agree that we take better care of our cars than we do our bodies?  Because we can't shop for new organs, the 7 day cleanse provides that necessary "tune up" and oil change.  It is:
Simple and convenient (you can continue to eat real food and you do NOT have to cal in sick to work or live in the bathroom!)
Helps make our body more alkaline (defense against disease)
Supports liver and GI tract health - Because our diets are low in fiber, our bodies aren't fully eliminating waste.  Our GI tract can hold 5-10 lbs of waste.  As a result it is not unusual to lose a few pounds when the cleanse is completed.
It is derived from Sea Botanical which helps detoxify your blood and rid your body of heavy metals.
After using this cleanse, people say their stomach feels flat, they feel energized and more focused.

Daily Power Packs
These are called power packs for a reason!  And they are convenient!  We've heard it said that you are what you eat.  But the apples we eat are not the same apples that our grandparents ate, because our soil is so depleted that our food does not have the same nutritional value.  In fact the journal of American Medical association recommends that every adult take a daily supplement.  Arbonne believes you are what you ABSORB and studies prove you will lose more weight and more fat taking a vitamin/mineral supplement.  The daily power packs:
Provide whole food nutrition
Strengthens immune systems
Improves digestion
Promotes bone and prostate health
Highly absorbable

Digestion Plus & Immunity Booster

Do you know anyone who has digestive issues?  We have some incredible digestion products that are cutting edge in the market place.
Our digestion plus is packaged conveniently for on the go lifestyles.  It can easily be dissolved in any liquid.  Children and adults are raving about the taste of the immunity booster.  It is absolutely essential during cold and flu season.  It:
Minimizes gad and bloating
Supports balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fiber and lactose
Promotes strong and healthy immune system
Promotes a sense of well-being

I am in full agreement with the thought that, "Health is not valued until sickness comes".  I just want to remind you that YOU ARE WORTH IT ... and so are your friends and loved ones - they deserve YOUR very best!

Gear up and get ready to start to detoxify!  Order your Arbonne by Friday, April 6.  Measurements and weigh ins will be before Monday nights kickboxing class, April 9th.  Try to get there by 5:30.  Also, Wednesday, April 11.  Try to get there by 8:30.  

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Kids Camp is NEXT week!!

Tons of fun, activities, crafts and more!!

Ages 3-10



$25 a day or $100 a week per child

Have more than one child?  Pay full price for one and get 1/2 off for the other

Call (916) 960-35887 to reserve your childs spot