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Friday, December 21, 2012

Another weekend of rain

It looks like it's going to be another rainy weekend!  Pull out those workout videos again or visit ActiveFlicks.com.  Here are some ideas to help you keep from boredom.
1. Have an  indoor treasure hunt for the kids or your spouse.
2. Try out a new recipe
3. Make a big bubble bath
4. Camp out by the Christmas tree
5. Pull out those dusty board games
6. Have a beauty day - paint your fingernails, put on an exfoliating mask, deep condition your hair.
7. Write Christmas cards
8. Create a family yearbook
9. Look up some minute to win it games and have a family competition
10. Do a crossword puzzle

Lincoln Weather Forecast, CA (95648)

 Foods For Belly Fat
We all know the first rule in losing weight or maintaining weight is to burn more calories than we take in.  The best way to do that is cardio exercise to burn calories, along with resistance training to build muscle. However, some of us need extra help to lose belly fat, so here are some foods you might try.

     Black beans, as all legumes, contain a lot of fiber and protein, both of which make us feel full.  Black beans have the highest amount of flavonoids and research shows may hinder the storage of belly fat.
     Pears are high in fiber and loaded in catechias and flavonols that hinder storage of belly fat.
     Popcorn without butter or salt is a whole grain that studies show helps reduce belly fat.
   Cold potatoes like in potato salad create hunger-fighting hormones.  They must be chilled overnight to be effective.
     Peanuts contain healthy fats that burn more readily and a better choice for a snack than cookies or chips.
   Sunflower seeds unsalted can be added to almost any food like soups, salads, sandwiches, or cereal.  They also contain a healthy fat that burns quickly.
     White tea has something that causes cells to absorb 70% less fat.
    Apple cider vinegar contains a compound called acetic acid which helps the body burn fat and hinders fat storage.
   Safflower oil, thanks to omega-6 fatty acid, will speed up metabolism with only a few tablespoons a day.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Weather Forecast

The weekend is almost here!  It looks like it is going to be cold and rainy, but that is no excuse not to workout.  Pop in an old video and grab those leotards from your closet or checkout our class videos online at ActiveFlicks.com .

Super Vitamin D 
     New studies show that vitamin D is a key substance in fighting cancer.  Cancer of the colon is one of the main cancers vitamin D helps, by destroying cancer cells that could be growing there.  Breast and uterine cancer can also be prevented by the proper amount of D.  Vitamin D lowers inflammations of the body which are what Alzheimer's, M.S. and Parkinson's are caused by.  70% of people diagnosed with Parkinson's have low levels of vitamin D.  Some of the other things it is also good for is brain function, boosts thyroid, fibroimyalgia, muscle pain and fatigue.
     Most of us do not get enough vitamin D.  The main source is by the sun.  People who live north of the southern states are at risk for not getting enough sun to process D in our bodies, especially in the winter months.  Also people with dark skin do not get enough D from sun.  Some food sources high in vitamin D are sun dried shitake mushrooms, milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon, tuna and mackerel.  However, even including these foods in your diet, does not provide enough D.  It is highly recommended you take a supplement of D3 in pill form found in the vitamin section in most stores and should be at least 1000 units per day.  If you think your levels could be low right now, take 2000 units per day for a few months, until your levels are what they should be.  Also, cod liver oil is a good source.  A simple blood test done by your physician can tell what your level of D is.
     If everyone in America had enough vitamin D, it would reduce deaths by 400,000 per year and medical costs by 40 to 50 billion per year.  One pill every days costs you about 10 cents.

Monday, December 3, 2012

2013 Improvements


Mission Statement:
It is the mission of Guiding Fitness to revolutionize our industry. We pride ourselves in superior customer service, inspiration and motivation to every individual.  We provide a welcoming and relaxed workout environment and encourage our members to live a healthier lifestyle.

Starting January 1st, 2013 Guiding Fitness will no longer offer typical ‘classes’.  We will now offer large ‘personal training’ groups.  

Morning Group is from 9:00am – 10:00am (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and Night Group is from 6:00pm – 7:00pm (Tuesday and Thursday) 

During this time, you will get a PERSONAL TRAINER that will help guide you on your fitness journey.  We will take measurements each month, give you homework between classes, and customize each class to fit your needs! Guiding Fitness is for people that are serious about changing their lifestyle and we want to help you reach your goals.
In order to participate in the groups, you must sign up and pay before the month starts.  We will not let people join in the middle of the month.  

There are sign-up sheets on a clipboard by the computer.  Only 16 spots are available for each group so please make sure to sign-up to reserve yours.  We will no longer take autopay.  Morning classes are $35 a month and night classes are $25 a month.

We thank you for your motivation and can’t wait to see your progress!
Let’s inspire each other!!!