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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Protein Shakes - Whey vs. Soy vs. Arbonne

I get A LOT of questions about this, so here is a comparison...

WHEY/SOY VS. ARBONNE VEGAN (Yellow pea, brown rice & cranberry blend) Protein

SOY - Is allergen and cannot be used to build muscle because of its low incorporation levels, it contains phytoestrogens that can lead to estrogen dominance which leads to fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, increase risk for chronic disease and feminization of men.

WEHY - Is a mild derivative, it is allergenic (not just milk allergy), it is loaded with bovine white blood cells. It is hard to DIGEST so it can deposit in the intestinal track and colon and it can lead to long term kidney and liver problems.

Arbonne Vegan Protein - Yellow pea, brown rice and cranberry blend is the MOST EASILY DIGESTIBLE PROTEIN WITHOUT ALLERGENIC REACTIONS (100% hypoallergenic) that dairy & egg protein creates. Because it is so digestible it decreases the gas and bloating and can be absorbed and used to create muscle, promote healing, etc.

Arbonne Protein has an AMINO ACID SCORE of 100 = HIGH quality.

Amino Acid Score is a method for evaluating the relative nutritional quality of different protein sources based on the digestibility and usability.

If you cannot DIGEST IT, YOU CAN'T USE or...ELIMINATE IT PROPERLY! Amino Acid Scores less than 100 has low quality protein source.  Amino Acid Scores greater than 100 has high quality protein source. 

We sell Arbonne protein shakes at Guiding Fitness.  They are by far the best for your body.  Feel free to ask us for more information.