Childhood Obesity: Who’s Responsible?
Judy Davis once said, “This might be the first generation where kids are dying at a younger age than their parents and it is related primarily to the obesity problem.”
Childhood obesity is a growing concern in our society today. According to Richard Deckelbaum, obesity has doubled in the past three decades in children and adolescents. Is it the parents’ responsibility to teach their children healthy eating as well as active lifestyle habits? Is it the child’s responsibility? When do children begin to decide for themselves? The prevailing question should not be whose fault is it but what steps can be taken to prevent it? Childhood obesity is preventable with the right knowledge, guidance, activities, and healthy habits. By understanding the causes of child obesity, more solutions can be obtained and the United States as a whole could better prevent this problem. The causes and trends of youth obesity are multi-factorial. The general causes are usually unhealthy eating and a lack of physical activity. Genetics, society, ethnicity, socio-economic status, media and marketing, as well as the environment the child is in can also play a factor in obesity.
There are many different problems/consequences caused by obesity. Not only health problems but also social status and emotions are affected. Several studies have shown clearly that children at a young age are sensitized to obesity and have begun to incorporate cultural preferences for thinness. Overweight children are ranked lowest as those with who most would want to be friends with. Obese adolescents begin to develop negative self connotations that may appear in adulthood. Behavioral and learning difficulties are a growing problem in children who are gaining weight. Examples of potential health consequences are but not limited to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, and heart disease.
Good health is a primary importance in our society. So how do we help prevent child obesity? Promote a healthy lifestyle! Create healthy eating behaviors, exercise regularly, and reduce usage of television, video games, computer, etc. As parents and elders that children look up to and learn from, provide healthy meals, encourage them to be active daily (be active with them, Children watch adults and learn from their parents). As a family you should focus on good health. Teach positive attitudes towards physical activity. Do it as a family. You can be the change in your child’s lifestyles by how you live and how you teach them.