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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Celebrate You!

“Celebrate You”

So, I have to be honest…I have never been a big fan of “celebrating myself”. I guess it’s because I have always felt that statement sounds selfish. Selfishness is not a trait that I desire. However, over the years and now being a mother I do see where there is importance in doing this and here are some tips to how!

In life there can be hardship. For me, it’s been minimal and quite common things such as financial stress, relocating my family, and minor health issues. In the depths of those difficult times, I had discovered times of happiness and peace by doing what I guess one would call, “celebrating myself”.

For me this celebration has been in a few small things.

1. Doing Something I enjoy: So, I really enjoy coffee and lattes. If I can get a few dollars together I take a couple of hours out with my husband and girls, just my girls or rarely just me! I go to a coffee shop and enjoy a latte with my family who finds something to enjoy with me! McDonalds is a GREAT place for a latte that is delicious and cheap! *and it is no worse for you than one from Starbucks just FYI! ;-)

2. Being outdoors: I have found when I’m feeling down or stressed, a walk outdoors cheers me up quite dramatically. Something about the sun shining on me, movement and the peaceful state my children enter as we wonder about outside. It is amazing!

3. Cleaning out my closet and restocking slowly: I also enjoy going through my closet to see what I no longer would call “my style”. Perhaps some things don’t fit the same or I simply don’t like it anymore. I gather these items together and donate them to Goodwill. Sometime later I either browse around Goodwill, go to my favorite consignment shop or an actual clothing store and buy an item I really like to begin to replace what I let go.

These three things are very enjoyable, at least for me.

Now last, but certainly not least I want to say this. In all things, keep a good attitude. In times of stress sit it out daily for awhile to breathe deep, pray, stretch or do a little (or long) workout. Remind yourself of your strengths and research tips to help you strengthen your weak areas. Be confident in who you are as well. Quirks are a good thing…we all have them…no need to hide them. Everyone is weird in their own way. Uniqueness people- that’s all that is!

Sound good? Ok, then let’s do this!

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