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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Get Organized!

It's that time of year again! Summer break is winding down, kids are going back to school, sports teams are gearing up for a fresh season, and you find yourself running in a million different directions. Life can get busy, before we realize it's even happening! Can we really prepare for the perfect storm of busyness that hits us all this time of year? You bet!

I have always found myself in wide-eyed awe of those people that just seem to have their stuff together. You know the ones I'm talking about. They are always dressed to the nines, their kids stand beside them like little angels decked out in their football pads, while they drink a fresh green smoothie and expertly answer email and phone calls all at the same time. Then proceed to tear their suit off like superman and finish first place in this week's marathon. Yeah, they're pretty cool, huh? They also usually have a lot of help in the background that we don't see. People that have their stuff together, had to put it together first!

If you are already in the midst of the messiness of the perfect storm, it can seem overwhelming a task to get organized. With a few simple ideas, we can get started on the road to being Captain Cool!

Some great things to have on hand for simple organization are an erasable calendar with several different color markers, a daily planner, meal containers, sharpies, post-it notes, and a little bit of determination.

Assign each member of the family a color. Have them write in their daily appointments, schedule, or needs on the calendar. One glance and you'll know who needs to be where and when. Be sure to keep all this info in your daily planner, as well, and keep it with you.

Take some time everyday to make lunches for the next day. You can enlist your kids (if you have them) to make their own lunches. Write names on each container or brown bag and have them ready to grab in the fridge. Be sure to pack plenty of snacks in case you get stuck out at the ball field or in the office for a late meeting. Throw some snacks in the glove compartment of the car, in case you get stuck in traffic. Also, on the weekends, make a meal plan for the week and get the food shopping done before the storm hits. Failing to plan is planning to fail!

Leave post it note reminders to the kids, the spouse, the roommate, or even the pets if that's how you roll.

Don't forget to take care of YOU during this time too! Put your workout on the calendar and make it a proper appointment. Tell anyone who tries to take that time slot that you have a very important appointment that you cannot miss. It's very difficult to take care of others if you don't take care of yourself!

These are just a few simple ways to get in a habit of being more organized. Don't worry if it doesn't look perfect or work out exactly how you want it to. The goal is to make things just a little bit easier and less stressful. Take a deep breath in and start delegating!

Happy organizing!!
Natalie Lurie

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