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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fluoride: The Alarming Facts

Fact: "Fluoride is more toxic than lead and just slightly less toxic than arsenic."- Dr. John Yiamouyianni. Sodium silicofluoride (the substance in toothpaste and tap water) is toxic and a waste product from aluminum, steel, fertilizer and even nuclear industries. Although there is no data proving that fluoride prevents cavities, it was claimed so by Gerald J. Cox in the late 1940's who was hired by ALCO Aluminum to discover a use for their waste product. After this "discovery" about tooth decay prevention, fluoride was marketed to dental industries, toothpaste companies and even municipalities to add to their drinking water. Before the release of Cox's claim, fluoride waste was airborne in smoke stacks and US Department of Agriculture says it caused more world wide damage to domestic animals than any other pollutant. It was also scorching vegetation, killing crops and crippling livestock.
After all these facts, why are we still being told it is good for our teeth, when in truth it actually rots our teeth, is responsible for lowering IQ, weak bones, arthritis, damaging thyroid, some cancers and more? I never found an answer to this but I found many reasons to stop ingesting it. Former US EPA scientist Dr. Robert Carton says "Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not all time." It is unknown the agenda, but some dentists and medical experts still believe fluoride is helpful in prevention of tooth decay and not harmful to our bodies. In fact the American Dental Association in 2011 commended the Department of Health and Human Services for setting the level of fluoridated water to 0.7 parts per million to help prevent tooth decay. However, the ADA also recently released a statement saying that fluoride should not be added to baby formula through tap water.

I would recommend a great video for anyone who wants an easily understood explanation of harm and benefits of fluoride. It is called "Fluoride: Protected Pollutant or Panacea?" You can find this at www.fluoridation.com

When you have considered all these facts and make the decision to cut the amount of fluoride you ingest, the next step is to find out how. Because fluoride is not added to all water supplies, find out if your tap water has it. You can call your city water company, or get a testing strip. Most health food stores have unfluoridated water, or use a powerful ionic filter machine to fill your own container. Make the decision with your dentist whether to coat your teeth with fluoride or give your children fluoride drops. Also, most markets have brands of toothpaste without fluoride.

Article: Courtesy of Gail

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