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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

YOUR Goals are MY Passion by Mikenna Kossow

YOUR  Goals  are  MY Passion

The world is full of people reaching towards their goals; many succeeding and many failing. Being a Personal Trainer, I get to be the little push some people need to reach those goals.  

I grew up in the world of athletics; starting at age 5 I played all different kinds of sports and usually committed myself to multiple teams / organizations at a time. I learned what it means to succeed and what it looks like to fail, based on the amount of work put in. I realize now that my success and my growth in my PASSION for sports specifically basketball, did not just happen solely on my own abilities, but because of the help, guidance, direction, coaching, and push from my coaches, instructors, and my peers.

I have always had the heart and desire to help others any way that I could. The more time I spent working out with others, the more I observed the effort and hard work they put in to BETTER their health and their lives,. The more I see, the FIERCER the stirring and burning in my heart to do more for them GROWS.

As I have had coaches and peers come along side of me to push me towards those goals, I want to do the same for YOU. I want to help because I care, because everybody who wants to TRY deserves the BEST for their life, because no body has to do it alone, and because I want to share my PASSION of fitness with others.

Helen Kellar once said, Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. We all have goals and we’re all seeking change; you don’t have to reach them on your own. So ask someone to help guide you or walk alongside of you to reach the change you wish to see in your life.

Do you need someone to be your push?
Mikenna Kossow
( 916 ) 752 - 8515


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