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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sleep and Exercise - Stop Swapping! - By Rose Larrabee

Do you rise early in order to get in your daily workout? Do you make sure to get to bed at an early hour? Are you sleeping at least 7 hours before your alarm calls for you to awake and put your body to work?

These are very important questions to ask yourself. I have known many individuals who wake up early in the morning to work out after only 4-6 hours of sleep.  As a trainer the thought of sleep deprivation while giving your body such a physical push to follow has always felt unsettling.

The fact of the matter is: exercise, sleep and nutrition form the triangle of health, and all are related. For the most part sweating and slumber share a bidirectional relationship”. Individuals who sleep at least 7 hours tend to have a more energetic and productive workout. While those who get less sleep feel lack of motivation and don’t put in as good of an effort to their workout. Similarly, exercise contributes to an increased quality of sleep.

Keep in mind as you set your alarm clocks that robbing yourself of sleep is counterproductive to good health. As is robbing yourself of exercise. 

Our bodies rely on SLEEP for their health, 
for RESTORATION of our minds and physical being as well as 
your PRODUCTIVITY in daily tasks.

If you are one who tends to not get a good 7 hours of sleep for the sake of exercise or if you just throw exercise off so you can sleep - here’s the best advice I can give you, stop swapping one for the other. Find a way in which you can either get to bed earlier or exercise at a different time.  Some find they can get to bed 30 minutes earlier each night in order to get the sleep they need and still awake early for exercising. Others exercise during a lunch break or do shorter workouts that still provide great results.

One good example of a shorter but very productive workout is interval training which involves intense but brief bouts of exercise. As a mom, interval training is one way I have personally begun to workout. I find I have cut my workout time in half, but have gained even better results than my old ways.

There is a way to keep your health and fitness balanced. I hope this information helps you find the way that works best for you and your all around well being! Get to bed early tonight!!

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