We are

We are

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Baby, YOU are a firework: Learn to love yourself

Look in the mirror. Go ahead, I'll wait... What did you see? How would you describe yourself to someone who has never seen you? Would you describe your winning smile, your vibrant, studious eyes, the beautiful lines and curves of your body? Or would you point out the worry lines around your face, the softness of your belly, or any one of the many other flaws that you may see? No one is harder on us than we are on ourselves and the way we speak to ourselves can be detrimental. How we view our bodies, our personalities, and our self-worth can dictate how happy we are in our everyday lives. It's time we stop allowing the external world tell us what we're worth and turn inwards to find true self-love and acceptance.

This can be extremely challenging in the world we live in. There is so much noise telling us just how "not good enough" we are. Our culture is filled with photoshopped beauty, perfectly portrayed relationships, images of people that have it all together; and it's readily available to us at the touch of a button. So what can we do? How do we learn to love ourselves? True acceptance has to come from within us. We must shift our self perception.

It won't happen overnight. As with any new habit, this will come with practice, persistence, and patience. Let's start this journey of love and self-acceptance together with a few, simple tips and ideas.

1. Begin your day with love. (Not technology) YOU should be the first person to say the words "I love you" to you. Don't roll over and pick up your phone. Take a few moments while lying in bed to set your mind on a path to self love. Breathe in love, breathe out love. Remind yourself of your worthiness before your feet ever touch the floor.

2. Talk yourself happy. Use words of affirmation and positivity throughout your day. Wear a special bracelet or ring on your right hand. When you begin to speak negatively of yourself, move it to your left hand as a reminder to speak only love and light into your day. Once your mind is back on track, move the item back to your right hand and smile. Here is a link to some great affirmations to get you started. Once you are in the groove, come up with your own. http://bit.ly/1HsllJ9

3. Enjoy life enhancing actives. Discover healthy foods you like and experiment with recipes. Find exercise you genuinely look forward to. Taking care of our bodies gives us a new perspective on how important the way we treat ourselves really is.

4. Own your potential. We can't be good at everything, but find what you are good at and recognize it. Begin to love yourself enough to believe in the limitless opportunities available to you. Trust yourself enough to make the right choices for your life.

5. Mediate. Take time everyday to get quiet and honest with yourself. Turn off everything and sit quietly with yourself for a few minutes. Allow all thoughts to rise to the surface, acknowledge them, then let them go. Speak those affirming words to your heart and breathe beauty into your life.

 There are so many tips and ideas to incorporate into your journey of self love and acceptance. I encourage you to do a little research for yourself as you develop and grow in your relationship with yourself.  Try these out for a week. At the end of the week, go look in the mirror. What did you see? I hope you are beginning to see the amazing, beautiful, fulfilled, loving, and talented person that you truly are.

Natalie Lurie

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