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Thursday, September 29, 2011
JUMP Start Your Day
Jump roping is a great way to workout. It is inexpensive and fun! Try jumping with your kids... make a game out of who can jump the longest. You can jump inside, outside, with shoes or without! 15 minutes a day will make a huge difference in your health.
We are having a Fall and Winter Kids camp and would appreciate your help in spreading the word. Ages 3-10. Fall --> November 21st-25th. Winter --> December 19th-30th. We have lots of fun activities planned for the kids. For more information sent em to our kids website www.GuidingFitnessKids.com. Thanks for your help!!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Grass Fed VS Grain Fed Beef
* Did you know that we offer all natural
- protein shakes,
- energy fizzy tabs,
- body cleanse,
- fiber booster and
- much more
The protein shakes are only $2 for a meal and the fizzy tabs are less that $1 a drink!
If you order $150 worth of products (any products) and sign up as a preferred client, you get 20% off and a free gift.. anything you want!!
Go to www.arbonne.com click on join and enter our consultant ID number #18845926 to order.
Grass Fed VS Grain Fed Beef
Some of our supermarkets are now carrying some choices in many of the meats. You see labels such as "farm raised", "free roaming", "organic raised", and one I want to discuss today, "grass fed beef".
Basically, most beef we buy today has evolved from small farm businesses to large production farms. These large beef farms raise cattle as quickly as possible and are often inhumane. In order for rapid growth, cattle are fed a mix of corn, soy, grains and supplements like hormones and antibiotics. Of course this ends up in our own bodies and some researchers and scientists believe is the cause of some chronic illnesses that have increased rapidly over the last several decades. Grass and hay fed beef is their natural diet and is better for our bodies and society in general in the following ways.
Grass fed beef has less fat and more omega 3 fats (good fat). A 6oz grass fed tenderloin has 92 fewer calories than grain fed. It does not contain unnatural hormones or antibiotics. They are raised in a more natural and humane environment. The meat is tastier. It is better for our environment (requires a long explanation - just trust me on this one). You can opt to buying beef directly from local small farmers which helps your local economy.
There is a downside to this however. Grass fed beef is usually more expensive. This is due to the fact that large cattle farms have made strides in lowering the cost of feed, but is not necessarily healthy for us. There are some options you can consider to lower your cost. One is to buy a cow directly from you local farmer to have butchered. This is economical, but requires a large freezer. You can find a buddy to share a cow with. Or, you can pay a little extra for better nutrition and better quality all around.
Basically, most beef we buy today has evolved from small farm businesses to large production farms. These large beef farms raise cattle as quickly as possible and are often inhumane. In order for rapid growth, cattle are fed a mix of corn, soy, grains and supplements like hormones and antibiotics. Of course this ends up in our own bodies and some researchers and scientists believe is the cause of some chronic illnesses that have increased rapidly over the last several decades. Grass and hay fed beef is their natural diet and is better for our bodies and society in general in the following ways.
Grass fed beef has less fat and more omega 3 fats (good fat). A 6oz grass fed tenderloin has 92 fewer calories than grain fed. It does not contain unnatural hormones or antibiotics. They are raised in a more natural and humane environment. The meat is tastier. It is better for our environment (requires a long explanation - just trust me on this one). You can opt to buying beef directly from local small farmers which helps your local economy.
There is a downside to this however. Grass fed beef is usually more expensive. This is due to the fact that large cattle farms have made strides in lowering the cost of feed, but is not necessarily healthy for us. There are some options you can consider to lower your cost. One is to buy a cow directly from you local farmer to have butchered. This is economical, but requires a large freezer. You can find a buddy to share a cow with. Or, you can pay a little extra for better nutrition and better quality all around.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Big Changes November 1, 2011
Hello to all of our fitness fans.
We are making some big changes starting November 1, 2011.
I would like to start by telling you a bit about Guiding Fitness and how we started.
My husband (McLain) and I moved out to California to be closer to our family. As a newly married couple, we were trying to find our place in the world. I have always had a huge passion for helping people find the motivation and resources to stay fit. After working in several ‘corporate’ gyms, I started to get annoyed with the constant pressure to sell, sell, sell. How horrible is it that most gyms operate by hoping that you pay and DON’T show up? With very little money to do so, McLain and I opened up Guiding Fitness with the intention of really helping people live a healthier lifestyle. Thanks to the help of many others including my Aunt Sheri, Mallery and Mark, we have helped many people achieve things they could have only imagined before us.
As we have grown I feel like we’ve gotten away from our original goal of helping people live a healthier lifestyle. It has been a great couple of years but I think we need to get back to the basics. We want to help people that are ready to make a lifestyle change, not just be here in case they ‘show up’.
Many of you are going to love the changes because you are ready to take in everything that Guiding Fitness has to offer. Others will be upset because you will not have a place to ‘show up’ to, I apologize in advance.
We are downsizing our studio to the back two rooms only. Our classes will consist of Kickin’ Core, Yoga, TAB and BootCamp. Unfortunately we will no longer offer Zumba. Our focus will be on personalized workouts, small classes, lasting friendships and ‘guiding fitness’.
If you stay with us I promise it will be the best decision you have ever made. We are going to revolutionize our industry by offering more than just a place to ‘show up’. Our trainers and instructors are passionate about doing everything we can so that you are successful.
We hope you understand and would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Weekly Challenge
'Failure is success if we learn from it' - Malcolm Forbes
This week I would like you to try a new food every day. No, we don't mean the new type of canned spaghetti... we mean natural foods. You don't have to go all out and buy a $100 worth of new fruits and veggies, just pick up a couple of new items and work them into your regular meals. We get stuck in the same routine at the grocery store and go months without trying something new. Ever wonder what that funky looking fruit tastes like...now is your chance to find out!
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Cabbage
- Kale (baked kale chips are good)
- Spinach
- Almond Butter (and jelly sandwich with wheat bread or with apple slices)
- Almond Milk
- Flaxseed
- Veggie Burger
- grapefruit
- Beets (you may be surprised that fresh beets on salad is not bad)
- Eggplant
- Leeks
- Sweet Potato
- Miso
- Papaya
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Quinoa
- Barley
- Brown Rice
- Chia Seeds
Experiment and have fun!
This week I would like you to try a new food every day. No, we don't mean the new type of canned spaghetti... we mean natural foods. You don't have to go all out and buy a $100 worth of new fruits and veggies, just pick up a couple of new items and work them into your regular meals. We get stuck in the same routine at the grocery store and go months without trying something new. Ever wonder what that funky looking fruit tastes like...now is your chance to find out!
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Cabbage
- Kale (baked kale chips are good)
- Spinach
- Almond Butter (and jelly sandwich with wheat bread or with apple slices)
- Almond Milk
- Flaxseed
- Veggie Burger
- grapefruit
- Beets (you may be surprised that fresh beets on salad is not bad)
- Eggplant
- Leeks
- Sweet Potato
- Miso
- Papaya
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Quinoa
- Barley
- Brown Rice
- Chia Seeds
Experiment and have fun!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Pay Cash and Skip The Junk Food
* Next month we are adding a 'Think Fit: All About Food' Class Monday at 10am and 7pm. It is a 4 week program and important that you make the first meeting. This class is great for those that have hit a plateau or need a little help with food.
Are you trying to stay on a healthier diet? Along with your exercise plan, here is a tip to help you cut down on buying junk food.... simply, use cash at the grocery store. Recent research shows that if you leave your debit card home and pay in cash, you will purchase far less unhealthy foods. When shoppers actually see the cash they spend on food, they want to get more for their money as far as nutritional value. Only 14 percent of people shop with cash. This may be one of the factors of the recent obesity epidemic.
If you want to snack, it is perfectly ok. In fact, snacking the right foods may keep you from over-eating at regular meals. Snacking 3 times a day will help you to plan for less food at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some healthy low calorie snacks include peanut butter with multi grain crackers, unsweetened apple sauce with cinnamon, veggies dipped in hummus, edamame and nuts. Another simple recipe for a crunchy healthy snack, it to preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Remove thick stems from 1 bunch (or more) of kale, and spread in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Spray with nonstick cooking spray to coat, sprinkle with salt. Bake 12 to 15 minutes until kale chips are crisp, but not brown. You can dip them in fat-free or low-fat buttermilk dressing.
Studies also show that when you are munching on healthier choices, to think of the food as "tasty" instead of "healthy". If your mind says delectable, savory, juicy, crunchy and other "good" words, you will feel more satisfied at meals and not want to fill in with something unhealthy.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Weekly challenge
'choice, not circumstances, determines your success'
This week we would like you to try a new activity. Ever wanted to take a belly dancing class but never got around to it? Is that bicycle rusting in your garage? Sometimes we get stuck in a comfortable routine which can lead to a fitness plateau. This week try a new class, dust off that bike or sign up for a 5k.
Most important.... Have fun!
This week we would like you to try a new activity. Ever wanted to take a belly dancing class but never got around to it? Is that bicycle rusting in your garage? Sometimes we get stuck in a comfortable routine which can lead to a fitness plateau. This week try a new class, dust off that bike or sign up for a 5k.
Most important.... Have fun!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Supper Vitamine D
New studies show that vitamin D is a key substance in fighting cancer. Cancer of the colon is one of the main cancers vitamin D helps, by destroying cancer cells that could be growing there. Breast and uterine cancer can also be prevented by the proper amount of D. Vitamin D lowers inflammations of the body which are what Alzheimer's, M.S. and Parkinson's are caused by. 70% of people diagnosed with Parkinson's have low levels of vitamin D. Some of the other things it is also good for is brain function, boosts thyroid, fibroimyalgia, muscle pain and fatigue.
Most of us do not get enough vitamin D. The main source is by the sun. People who live north of the southern states are at risk for not getting enough sun to process D in our bodies, especially in the winter months. Also people with dark skin do not get enough D from sun. Some food sources high in vitamin D are sun dried shitake mushrooms, milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon, tuna and mackerel. However, even including these foods in your diet, does not provide enough D. It is highly recommended you take a supplement of D3 in pill form found in the vitamin section in most stores and should be at least 1000 units per day. If you think your levels could be low right now, take 2000 units per day for a few months, until your levels are what they should be. Also, cod liver oil is a good source. A simple blood test done by your physician can tell what your level of D is.
If everyone in America had enough vitamin D, it would reduce deaths by 400,000 per year and medical costs by 40 to 50 billion per year.
Most of us do not get enough vitamin D. The main source is by the sun. People who live north of the southern states are at risk for not getting enough sun to process D in our bodies, especially in the winter months. Also people with dark skin do not get enough D from sun. Some food sources high in vitamin D are sun dried shitake mushrooms, milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon, tuna and mackerel. However, even including these foods in your diet, does not provide enough D. It is highly recommended you take a supplement of D3 in pill form found in the vitamin section in most stores and should be at least 1000 units per day. If you think your levels could be low right now, take 2000 units per day for a few months, until your levels are what they should be. Also, cod liver oil is a good source. A simple blood test done by your physician can tell what your level of D is.
If everyone in America had enough vitamin D, it would reduce deaths by 400,000 per year and medical costs by 40 to 50 billion per year.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Weekly challenge
Keep a food journal.
Studies show that people that keep a food journal are significantly more successful than those that don't.
There are many ways to keep a food journal. You can either write in a notebook, find a good app on your phone, or use a website like www.fitday.com
Make sure to write everything down including snacks and drinks.
Good luck, we look forward to hearing your stories!
Studies show that people that keep a food journal are significantly more successful than those that don't.
There are many ways to keep a food journal. You can either write in a notebook, find a good app on your phone, or use a website like www.fitday.com
Make sure to write everything down including snacks and drinks.
Good luck, we look forward to hearing your stories!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
September Special
This month you can try out our Circuit Personal Training program for FREE!! (Normally $70 a month!)
Ever wonder what those blue circles are on the floor?
Guided workouts at your own pace.
Meet with a trainer monthly for a body fat estimate, measurements, goal tracking, a fitness evaluation and discounts on fitness classes.Benefits of Circuit PT
How It Works
Group circuit training is very similar to having your own personal trainer (without the price!).For your first appointment, a trainer will analyze your fitness level, help you set goals, take measurements and weight, and give you nutritional advice. After the evaluation, we will give you a clear, easy to understand fitness program for the month. You will then be able to use your customized plan and come into the studio during any of our open hours to power through your workout.
Each month you get a one on one session with a trainer for a fitness evaluation, new workout plan and to reevaluate your goals, etc. You get all the benefits of personal training, but with a lower price and more flexibility!
The layout
The workouts consist of 5 stations. Exercises for each station are based on your fitness level and goal. You will rotate through the exercises, spending 45 seconds at each station. Your trainer will advise you on how many times you go through the stations.(Optional) - "The Pit" is where you can do cardio between each exercise station. This cardio will be provided by a trainer depending on your fitness level and goals.

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