"You WILL feel better!"
Having been a Personal Trainer since 2008, I have offered many others motivation and encouragement in living a healthy lifestyle. I've seen so many individuals face circumstances that shake them emotionally, mentally and physically. I've been the one to help get them back on track and refocused on healthy living.
Not only have I and do I help keep others on track, but I also do so for myself. I know from personal experience, it's not always easy. Maintaining motivation can be very difficult especially when circumstances arise that throw us off of the track we've been on.
For myself these "curve ball" circumstances have involved sickness, pregnancy, moving to a new place & deaths in the family to name a few. All of these things have either interfered with my physical abilities, my hormones or my emotions.
There has been one truth that has always kept me and my clients on track or has lead us back to the track we fell off of. That truth is this, "You WILL feel better!" It's such a simple statement, but its so true. The moment we get back on track and begin again with healthy eating and regularly exercising we do start to feel better!
Although this may not always clear up our current situation...it will de-stress our bodies as well as our minds. Continuing to take care of yourself will strengthen you not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Difficult circumstances won't seem so difficult, working through saddened emotions wont take as much work.
When things in life shake you up, when you're tempted to STOP or if you have stopped, know this... "You WILL feel better!" So keep on or get back on that track! Let the feeling of "better" meet you once again!